Many unique sales methods can significantly increase your odds when you want to sell a house if you are concerned about attracting the right buyer to your door. Or maybe you’ve been trying to sell a house and haven’t gotten any bites. It can be highly disheartening for your home to sit on the market as the bills continue to pour in. If your home is older, the repairs are non-stop as well. The MLS isn’t a one-size-fits-all system, and some sellers prefer not to go through the traditional listing process. So read on as we explore three unique ways to sell a house in Florida.
List Below Market
One unique way to sell a house in Florida if you’re concerned you might have trouble finding buyers is to take a proactive stance by initially listing at 20 percent lower than market value. Of course, if buyers aren’t knocking down the door because of the condition of your house, there isn’t likely to be a bidding war, so you should carefully weigh this option. Professional buyers like those at The Fast Home Buyers will assess your property and provide you with a comparison of listing vs. selling directly. The professional buyers at The Fast Home Buyers want you to make an educated decision about the best sales method for your situation, so they’ll provide you with every number in their calculations. We do this at The Fast Home Buyers because we operate with a policy of total transparency; we make an offer you’ll agree is fair.
Owner Financing
Another unique way to sell a house in Florida is to offer owner financing, which opens your listing to a broader buyer pool, those who don’t quite have their financial ducks in a row to qualify for a conventional loan. And while the buyers are responsible for the property as if it were their own, you’ll still hold the title. Should your buyers fail to follow through on the contract, you’ll have the property to sell again. Professional buyers like those at The Fast Home Buyers understand that not every seller is in a position to offer this option. If you need the sales’ profits immediately, the professional buyers at The Fast Home Buyers offer guaranteed closings in as little as a few days. At The Fast Home Buyers, we offer the convenience of working with you to select the day you close, so you only have to plan one move.
The Fast Home Buyers
Among the unique ways to sell a house in Florida, the best way is to sell directly to the
professional at The Fast Home Buyers. Work with the professionals at The Fast Home Buyers to handle all the complicated paperwork. At The Fast Home Buyers, we buy homes directly for cash in as-is condition so you can forget all your worries about making repairs or prepping for showings. Forget about paying commissions or hidden fees; you won’t even pay closing costs when you directly sell to a professional buyer at The Fast Home Buyers. The professional buyers and their team at The Fast Home Buyers live and work alongside you here in Florida and are passionate about improving our community and helping our neighbors find solutions to their home-selling problems. The seasoned professionals at The Fast Home Buyers understand life is complicated, which is why they keep the lines of communication open; we won’t ignore your calls. You’ll notice the difference because the professional buyers at The Fast Home Buyers stop everything and listen when you talk. The Fast Home Buyers is unique, and we want to make a deal with you that you will feel good about long after you’ve left the closing table. Speak with one of the professional buyers at The Fast Home Buyers today with no obligation about your circumstances and what is most important to you. Call The Fast Home Buyers at (561) 944-2725.